Saturday, March 8, 2014

6 Things to do to be your own best health advocate

6 things to do to be your own best health advocate


1.       Request copies of your file, especially lab tests & imagining reports.  You are legally entitled to any and all files kept on your behalf.  Luckily, this is getting easier with Electronic Medical Record keeping systems (EMRS).  Many larger facilities now allow you to log in online and obtain copies of all your tests and reports.  Inquire as to whether yours is one of them.  If not, ask for a hard copy. 

2.       Read the reports!  It may all look like gibberish to you, but with a little bit of searching on the internet, you should be able to decipher what your report says.  If you cannot, specifically ask during the follow up by bringing your copy of the report with you to your medical provider and asking them to translate for you.

3.       Bring a tape recorder, friend or spouse with you to your medical appointments.  Appointments often seem too rushed to ask all the questions you might like, and many people get flustered.  Having a recorder or friend gives you a backup. 

4.       Do a little research on the companies that make your vitamins and supplements.  What is their facility like?  What quality of raw materials are they using?  Where do they get their information to make the supplements they do?  The best supplement companies are also researchers—ask if the manufacturer has a research division. 

5.       Seek the opinion of an alternative medical professional.  Alternative medicine practitioners---Acupuncturists, Registered Herbalists, Naturopaths, and Chiropractors may be your best source for explaining your condition or diagnosis to you, and providing you with potential alternatives.  Keep in mind, a hammer always wants to hit a nail—so a surgeon will always recommend surgery.  If you don’t like the treatment options given to you, use the time in between appointments to seek out others.  Bring the reports to your appointment and ask them to look over them.  These professions receive Western medical training as well as training in their chosen field, so many have some good, more easily digestible insight to your condition. The same goes for those supplements you are taking!  Vitamins go through fads the same way fashion does.  You may or may not really need those supplements you’re taking, including that multi-vitamin!  Ask at your next alternative care appointment if your supplements are still right for you. 

6.       Stay calm, educated, interested & inspired.  You are in control of your own body & its future as long as you are willing to work with it in the now, and continue to learn.   


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