Thursday, July 23, 2015

Earthquake Relief in Nepal--Thank YOU!

View from the rooftop of the clinic in Chapagoan, Nepal
Hello Friends!

When the Earthquakes happened in Nepal, I thought of all the patients I had met there during my two trips in 2010 and 2013, all the interpreters who were my friends and colleagues, all the monks who tirelessly pray for our collective enlightenment.  I had to stop myself from looking to fly there right away, my mind knowing that my body would be more in the way than helpful in the midst of all the chaos, as much as my heart wanted to help.  So, I printed some photos, framed them, and began a little fundraiser on the counter here at The Vital Compass.  Many commented on the beauty of Nepal, and many purchased photos in support of the thousands of people who have lost their homes, their drinking water, and their friends and family in the Earthquake.
Today, we received a letter of thanks from the organization we donated to, the Chokgyur Lingpa Foundation.  Follow the link to see all they have done, or donate yourself!  It is really a letter of thanks to you all who have donated through the purchase of your photos.  And so, we pass the thanks onto you.  

This is the same organization who hosted the non profit I worked with in 2010 and 2013, the Acupuncture Relief Project, who now is focused on not only providing much needed medical care, but also shelter, water and food to the many villagers affected by the natural disaster.  They are now working urgently to take care of the basic needs of the locals who are most remote and unable to receive care from the larger organizations.
Coldly administering care January 2010 in Nepal

If you haven't had a chance to purchase a photo yet, there's still time!  While much have the world has moved on, and the West coast especially attempts to prepare for it's own potential earthquake, we will continue to sell photos and make donations through the end of the summer.  Consider purchasing one at your next appointment, or stop in to browse the herb shop and pick out a photo for donation.  See you then, and thanks again!
~Alison Loercher, L.Ac

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