Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Athlete's foot, jock itch, ring worm—They're all fungal infections

Our Athlete's Foot Balm
Most of us think of infections as a simple matter of ridding ourselves of this thing that's invaded our body. But it's important to realize that we're all exposed to same cold and flu viruses and we all step in the same fungus when we're at the pool or in the health club shower.

Our Tinea Liniment
So while we do, in fact, need to take control over these pathogens, we also need to keep our immune systems strong and not create a hospitable environment for the fungi to grow. In Chinese Medicine we refer to this hospitable environment as warm and damp, which is why fungi tend to grow in the warm, damp areas of the body, typically the feet and crotch area. But there are other factors that contribute to an internal body environment that encourage the fungi to grow. 
These are:
* sugar and refined carbohydrates
* beer and alcohol
* fried foods (chips, fries, etc)
* processed foods and meats (think: foods in a can or box and foods with nitrates and nitrites)
* stress and unexpressed emotions

These can all contribute to warm dampness in the system. The more heat something generates, the more inflamed and red the area will be, and in chronic situations, you'll see that the fungus has become dry and yellow or the skin will become dry, thick, and cracked. Many people think they just have ugly feet or weird yellow toenails and don't realize it's athlete's foot!

And if you already have a damp system be

cause of diet or other factors, AND you add heat to your body (as what happens with smoking), this will also contribute to how tenacious and severe the infection can get.  Heat added to dampness makes for a more inflamed and red infection and ultimately makes it more difficult to treat or infections can recur frequently.

So while our products will help with the infection and the external symptoms, you might want to schedule an appointment to treat your body's internal environment and get you back on track to a naturally itch-free life!

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