Friday, September 1, 2017

Dampness: How water becomes a pathogenic influence

Much the same way that water collects in mud puddles on a rainy day, water can collect in our bodies, leading to syndromes of dampness.  This can look like swelling or other accumulations of tissue, certain types of pain, nausea, loose stools, trouble with urination, numbness and other symptoms.  Just like water can flood and block a road, water can cause blockages in our bodies and create illness.  If water accumulates for too long, or too frequently, it can thicken to create phlegm. Or like with compost, it can give rise to heat, making it especially difficult to remove.  However, without water in our bodies, we couldn't survive.  In fact, it is often recommended to drink as much as half of one's body weight in ounces of water every day.
So, how do we both stay hydrated and prevent accumulation of dampness? We must keeping it flowing and active.  This means drinking water and other healthy liquids, but also keeping our bodies and minds active and supporting good digestion by choosing foods that are right for our bodies and the season.  Chinese medicine considers the healthy flow of fluids to be the shared responsibility of the spleen/pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, kidneys, bladder and triple warmer.  If any of these organ systems are not working optimally, dampness can accumulate.  If dampness is part of your dianosis, your practitioner will consider which systems would most benefit from treatment in order to remove the harmful fluids and restore balance. They may do this with acupuncture, herbs, or massage, or some combination of the three depending on what they think would be best for you. 
Still feel "damp" after a treatment? Don't worry!  Just like it may take several days after a heavy rain for the biggest puddles to dissapear, dampness can be one of the most tenacious pathogens, requiring several treatments to lessen its effects.  Being a temperate rainforest, the Pacific Northwest has a lot of environmental dampness that can influence our bodies as well.  Just because we live in a damp environment doesn't mean we have to suffer. Here's to keeping our bodies healthy and our waterways flowing!

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