Friday, September 1, 2017

Wind: How a breezy day can turn into a roller coaster of ailments

Wind brings change: relief from suffocating heat, or heralding the arrival of a new season. But, as with most things, wind is best in moderation!  When wind strikes our bodies, we can end up with headaches, allergies, itchy rashes, earaches, sore throats, tremors and more.  Imagine the feeling of standing directly in the wind at the beach.  Can you hear the whistling in your ears?  The wind can have this grating effect on our whole bodies, not just our external senses. 
What makes some people more or less sensitive to wind?  Some folks can hardly leave the house without a scarf in autumn, or go to the beach without cotton in their ears, while others don't seem to have a care in the world when the winds blow by.  It comes down to one's individual constitution.  The body's ability to protect itself from wind is one of the many functions of the "Yin" and "Blood".  Unlike the idea of blood volume (which should be right around 5 litres), the Chinese medicine concepts of "Yin" and "Blood" are relative and encompass a wide range of qualities and functions. 
Do you have trouble in the wind, or feel like you have regular symptoms of wind in your body?  Talk to your practitioner about this at your next appointment!  We'll help you get to the bottom of it, and find a solution that works.  

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